
Sunday 27 August 2017

Photo an hour, August 2017.

Saturday the 26th was August's photo an hour day, here are my photos.
Photo an hour in organised by Jane and Louisa, anyone can join in and post their hourly photos on social media throughout the day tagging them #photoanhour.  Why don't you join in next time?
1pm - Yep, I had a totally long lie in like a teenager.  This is what happens when I don't set an alarm!  Here is my brunch. 
2pm - Out to get some fruit and veg for the week.

3pm - I bought and carried home this lovely tall and slightly awkward plant.

4pm - Ice lolly break.

 5pm -I'm re-watching The Gilmore Girls again!

6pm - Sorting out my strawberry runners and hoping at least some of them will take, and grow in the very clay-y side garden.

7pm - I spotted this sticker on my evening walkies.

8pm - Hello Moon.

9pm - I'm making something.  And I'm surprised I can still remember how to crochet it's been so long! 

10pm - Mmmm clean sheets.

11pm - This book is sooo good! 

Did you take part this time?  How was your day?



  1. Ooh I like that crochet stitch!

    1. Thank you, it's a new one on me but I like it too (plus it' suuuper fast!)

  2. That's an excellent lie-in! I've been sleeping so late recently, too, I always think that if my body is staying asleep that I must need the extra rest.

    Also, I love the sticker you saw.

  3. I took part and got up really early so I could get things done! Yours was quite the epic lie in... I'm a bit jealous! I'm really in need of some good lie ins but life it just so busy at the moment! I like the photo of the plant :)

    1. Hope you get your lie in soon! Mine happened by mistake, I had things to do, I was quite annoyed to wake up so late!

  4. That was an epic lie-in!!
    I love the anti Daily Fail sticker and there's little to beat clean sheets, is there? xxx

    1. There's someone sticking all sorts of similar stickers up, always nice to see, especially as I live in tory-land!

  5. I always feel a lie in like that must be needed. It is so rare that I actually sleep well like that so I embrace it! I slept till 10:15 on Saturday morning and I was so happy.


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