
Friday 29 March 2019

Easy green actions and articles.

Easy green actions and articles.  From UK eco blogger

Here are a few easy online actions and interesting articles to make the world a better, greener, happier, place, 

Sign Friends of the Earth's petition, asking the government to do all it can to stop climate change before it's too late.

'Nature is the ultimate carbon capture and storage machine. The fastest and cheapest way for Britain to suck carbon out the air would be to double tree cover, restore our peatlands and wetlands, restore fish populations in the North Sea to their historic levels, and end the chemical warfare in the countryside that has led to the catastrophic collapse of insect and bird populations'

Let's all plant some more trees, ok?

Do you have some old (gently worn) bras to get rid of?  Send them to Smalls for All so they can be given to women in Africa who would otherwise have to go without.

Check out Greenpeace's plastic league table to see where your favourite supermarket ranks.

'Most of all, I wish Marie Kondo would just say stop! Stop buying all this stuff. The only solution to our waste crisis is to halt the consumerism clogging our landfills, polluting our oceans and overcrowding our homes. Because what would really spark joy would be a world that isn’t overflowing with garbage.'

On the same note, check out Lindsay's post - 6 places to declutter to that aren't the charity shop.

1 comment:

  1. Here here to all of these! I will go and sign that fracking one. I think I may have already done it but it won't harm me to do it again!!


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