
Friday 12 April 2019

Charity shopping.

Joe says he's noticed I keep putting things in bags and asking him to carry them away to the charity shop for me, but that I also keep bringing other things in other bags into the house from those same charity shops. Yep, that's just how it works round here I'm afraid Joseph, here are some things I've been buying from the charity shops recently (and I bet Joe hasn't even seen some of these yet!).

A charity shopping blog post from #charityshopping #thrifting #opshopping #retrocrockery

I walked passed the charity shop on my way to buy the paper for work and spotted a motherlode of blue retro crockery.  It was a Saturday morning and I was pretty sure it'd all be gone when I went back...but it wasn't!  I chose this little bowl because it's cute and I can probably pop a plant in it. 
Retro bowl, £1, local Samaritans charity shop. 

A charity shopping blog post from #charityshopping #thrifting #opshopping #retrocrockery

A charity shopping blog post from #charityshopping #thrifting #opshopping #retrocrockery

This was the only other bit I bought from all the blue retro crockery, which was obviously someone's lifelong collection.  I guess it's a casserole dish, or a serving dish of some kind.
Retro Midwinter 'Caprice' dish, £3, local Samaritans charity shop.

A charity shopping blog post from #charityshopping #thrifting #opshopping #retrocrockery

I have a really lovely 70s enamel pendant that I really would like to wear, but it's a big cross and I don't feel comfortable wearing it, so I set out to find something new and scored this on eBay.
Enamel necklace, £1.20 plus P&P, eBay.

A charity shopping blog post from #charityshopping #thrifting #opshopping #retrocrockery

I picked up this plate to pop under a plant, I'm always on the look out for retro crockery I can repurpose in the garden. 
Bilston's plate, 50p, local Air Ambulance charity shop. 

Have you bought anything good from the charity shops lately? 

PS. Check out my other charity shopping posts for more like this! 


  1. Oh I like the casserole dish. Such a pretty design. I've found all sorts of things recently, my favourite a tassel scarf which looks brand new for just £1.50, and a caddy that I've been keeping an eye out for for ages - just to carry cleaning products from room to room but I didn't want to buy new.

    1. I'm looking for a gardening caddy, I haven't found one yet but like you, I don't want to buy new!

  2. We were in Wellington yesterday and came back with loads of stuff! I didn't photograph it as part of my blog buys yesterday but my favourite thing was a set of Russian president matryoshka dolls from the severn Hospice.
    Love the caprice design. x

    1. The charity shops are on good form at the moment, I reckon everyone's still Marie Kondo-ing the heck out of their homes!

  3. Hi Susie, I am the same as you when it comes to charity shops - give something away and then come home with something, same with second hand cookbooks too. Not only have I cleared shelf space, find more books to bring home! I have picked up some stuff from charity shop sand should photograph to share some hopefully will do so one of these days. Like your ebay find.

    1. Thanks Shaheen :) I like to think of the charity shops like a great big swap shop, I buy something, keep it a while then send it back for the next person to enjoy, all for a small fee that goes to charity :)

  4. I like your Casserole and the pot! I saw some plates like that in the charity shop yesterday! I am in search of plant pots at the moment!

    1. Thank you :) I always find plant pots are unreasonably expensive in charity shops by me, I don't know why! Hope you find some x


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