
Sunday 7 July 2019

Easy green actions and articles.

Here are a few easy online actions and interesting articles to make the world a better, greener, happier, place, 

Sign Friends of the Earth's petition asking to double tree cover in the UK.

Morrisons is introducing a plastic free fruit and veg section, which will save 3 tonnes of plastic packaging per week!

The good old National Trust is going to sell all it's shares in fossil fuels and invest in green and eco companies instead. 

'I have watched and silently wept this spring as trees ready for nesting, forget me nots in full bloom, and buttercups about to burst forth have all been clipped and ripped, torn and shredded. And in their place? Nothing. Under the rules of good husbandry, this sort of pruning and weeding makes your plot look perfect and well-ordered, the soil pleasingly flat and tickled. But I am going to take my feminist rage at this word, husbandry, and rip it up like it has done to the wild things. Enough of this obsession with control and order'

I love this article from Alys Fowler in the Guardian, about how to weed in a wildlife-friendly way.

Here's 7 things you can do to help stop insect decline

A Greenpeace study has found plastic in every single river in the UK, ask your MP to do something about it


  1. Yaaay, I missed this blog post!!! You always share all sorts of good things!!!!x

  2. Hi Susie,
    Nice to see an optimistic blogger.
    It's so sad to see how plastic is everywhere now. In all the UK rivers? In all the rivers worldwide probably. We must make radical changes in our life style.


    1. Thanks JF, and yes, very sad, there's too much plastic everywhere!

  3. Love your posts and your work. Still hoping for more !


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