
Thursday 4 July 2019

My homegrown harvest, June 2019.

Things are finally growing in my garden!  These are the first potatoes of the year - it was a mix of varieties.  The potatoes aren't quite ready so I just rummaged around in the soil and pulled out some big feeling potatoes without disturbing the plants too much! 

My homegrown harvest, June 2019.  from UK garden blogger #homegrownharvest #suburbanharvest #growyourown

My homegrown harvest, June 2019.  from UK garden blogger #homegrownharvest #suburbanharvest #growyourown

I've had my first raspberries.  I'm slightly perturbed that these are my 'autumn bliss' raspberries and they're all coming now!  Is this climate change?  Did I prune them crazy wrong last year?  What will I eat in autumn!?

My homegrown harvest, June 2019.  from UK garden blogger #homegrownharvest #suburbanharvest #growyourown

The first strawberries have arrived too, I only eat home grown strawbs so these are a proper treat.  The first ever yellow raspberries came, a small total harvest of 5 berries but there's a big cane growing already for next year.  Purple snap peas and tons of kale and chard too.

My homegrown harvest, June 2019.  from UK garden blogger #homegrownharvest #suburbanharvest #growyourown

I'm trying to keep up with picking and drying home grown herbs this year, I've picked oregano and mint this month to dry.  

My homegrown harvest, June 2019.  from UK garden blogger #homegrownharvest #suburbanharvest #growyourown

I trimmed the onion tops back and ended up with a washing up bowl full of onion tops!  I washed and chopped them all, froze two boxes full, and popped another box in the fridge to be used up in stir fries, fritters, Joe's omelettes and I made a particularly delicious green onion pancake too.  I thinned out my cabbage seedlings and ate them, because waste not want not. 

My homegrown harvest, June 2019.  from UK garden blogger #homegrownharvest #suburbanharvest #growyourown

It's all about the berries though this month, I've been out picking them every day! 

My homegrown harvest, June 2019.  from UK garden blogger #homegrownharvest #suburbanharvest #growyourown

That's about it for this month, have you been harvesting much from the garden this month?


  1. I have some delicious strawberries, they taste so. much. better. than shop bought!
    I've grown potatoes for the first time and I'm a little nervous to delve around in the soil as yet... I keep saying I'll do it 'in a few days'I have no idea why I'm so nervous about it!
    I have spinach growing that I use in a hummus pasta recipe, but I can't keep up with production, I need to plant a lot more!
    I have serious veg envy. I should've planted so much more than I did...

    1. I hope your potatoes turned out ok! I need to grow more of everything every year, I think you have to be seriously organised to do it though (and I'm not yet!)

  2. Phwoar! Check out your harvest! I have been enjoying bountiful amounts of strawberries too! Isn't it great! Your potatoes look delicious and the onion green look super yummy! I like the idea of adding them to omelettes! I've planted some swiss chard in a pot but not sure how to carefully thin them out!!
    By the way, how are you drying the herbs as I would like to try this too please?!!x

    1. Thank you :)
      Thin your swiss chard by either pulling the ones you don't want out, or use scissors to snip the tops off so you don't disturb the roots.
      For drying herbs I just wash them, dry them, then lay them out on a tray until the leaves are crisp, then put in a jar. It's very low tech but it seems to be working ok!

  3. What a lovely harvest. I promise every year it will get better and bigger. RE the autumn raspberries. I've lost track of which of mine are summer raspberries and which are autumn, but then again we are also seeing blackberries in summer - climate change is def. having an impact. And what a delight yellow raspberries and Purple snap peas

    1. Thank you :) My autumn raspberries are having a second wind, I have no idea what's going on with them but I have a LOT of raspberries!


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