
Sunday 26 April 2020

Lockdown dairies - week 5.

Hello, how's your week in lockdown been?  Today I've been in for 5 weeks and 5 days, and it's wearing a little thin to be honest, but I'm trying to make the best of it. 

Zooey's extraordinary playlist on channel 4, is soo good.  It's got Lorelai from Gilmore Girls in it, and the boy from Pitch Perfect and the girl from Suburgatory.  Zooey starts to hear people singing their innermost thoughts and tries to help them with their problems, it's sweet, funny and has made me cry on more than one occasion.
We had a 'theatre date night' and watched National Theatre's Treasure Island on YouTube and had a curry. 'Twas marvellous, the curry and the play.  Jim is a girl and there are girl pirates too. Yargh!

Listening to
I'm the kind of person who finds an album I like then listen to it on repeat forever (I'm sure it's very annoying!), for the last year or so it's been Carrie Hope Fletcher's album.  I've also played the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack a couple of times this week after watching it on YouTube (It's too high really for me to sing along to, I can only screech, so Joe hates it!).  

I think next week is when the real 'working from home' will start.  I'm waiting for further instructions.  In the meantime I've been making more phone calls, I'll be glad when I can go back to the library!

It was World Book Night on Thursday and a whole load of my colleagues made videos of themselves reading, or took photos, which were posted on my libraries Facebook page.  And somehow seeing all of those made me really miss work and my colleagues.  Sigh.
I'm missing all my niblings too, the littlest one rolled over the other day, he's getting so big! Facebook photos of them all making crafts, playing in the garden, and generally being cuties is getting me through.  We had a surprise  driveway visit from one side of the family this morning, complete with hand delivered rainbows and drawings and it was so lovely.
I would give my right arm to go charity shopping, oh my goodness I need to buy some second hand tat, stat.

My new sewing machine arrived and she is lovely!  She's a reconditioned 1970s Frister and Rossmann Cub 7 and I've called her Frida-Rose and I'm resisting the urge to stick stickers all over her!  I've mended holes in the armpits of 2 dresses and one cardigan already!  She sews like a dream.

Online Shopping
So, everything in our house is breaking.  I replaced the heated clothes airer and sewing machine last week, and now the microwave's decided to die too.  It still works sporadically but a new shiny one is on it's way.

Usually we're go on holiday in May and I'm rushing around trying to get all my seedlings planted before we go away.  But no holiday this year has given me the opportunity to sow all the seeds!!

I hadn't been taking my daily walk, but I've started to now and I feel sooo much better.

Our favourite local chippy has reopened and I think I'll send Joe for a walk that way next week to pick some up! 

Trying to focus on how lucky I am (my friends and family are ok, Joe and mine jobs are ok, I've been able to stay home for nearly six weeks to protect my asthmatic lungs, we've been able to replace some broken household things fairly easily).  It's hard though.  I miss going further than round the block or to the allotment!

How are you doing? 


  1. I'm getting a bit fed up of lockdown too. I miss everyone, and want to get myself into a charity shop pronto! Like you, I feel lucky, I know I'm lucky but lockdown is making itself felt.
    I'm glad Frida Rose is dream, and that you've been able to replace the things you've needed to. My Mum seems to be going through a phase of things not working properly - phone, TV, washing machine, they say these things come in thrres, so hopefully that it's for you both.
    Take care

    1. Oh no, the washing machine breaking is the worst, they're always so heavy to move, hope your mum's is sorted by now and no more of her (or my) stuff breaks!
      Stay safe xxx

  2. Chippie!!!!!
    I've been really enjoyed being able to dilligently water my garden and seedlings every day! And using fresh herbs all the time!
    I LOVE Phantom! I think my neighbours must hate me as we have the vocal selection book from Phantom and I have learnt to play them over the last 20 years and I know ALL the words so I have been singing it ever since we watched it! What did you think of Love never dies!? I read the Frederick Forsythe book a long time ago (in around 2005) so I was glad to see it at long last! I cried buckets!x

    1. I actually didn't like Love Never Dies, I know, I shocked myself, I loved the staging and the costumes but not so much the storyline. I do love Phantom though, but I have to stick to singing Les Mis as I can hit more of the notes!


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