
Monday 4 May 2020

Lockdown diaries - week 6.

Hello!  I've been home for 6 weeks and 5 days!  Here's what I've been up to...

On Disney+ I watched a good film called 'You Again', Kirsten Bell returns home for her brother's wedding to discover he's marrying the girl who bullied her in high school.  I also watched the 2018 version of Freaky Friday, which surprised me by being a musical version!
We watched 'Blinded by the Light' (available on Amazon Prime), which is a wonderful film set in the 1980s, 6th form student Javed wants to be a poet and loves Bruce Springsteen, his father wants him to get a proper job.
I treated myself one evening and watched 'Pretty in Pink' and '13 Going on 30' too!

I'm trying to sort out refunds or insurance for our cancelled holiday - there are a lot of long forms involved!

My allotment is about 15 minutes walk away and each time I go I'm carrying a bucket of compost with me!  The soil there is so clay-y and I'm trying to make it better!

I made Yotam Ottolenghi's Mejadra recipe (lentils and rice with onions) and it's so yummy!
Our local chippy reopened!  OUR LOCAL CHIPPY REOPENED! You phone your order in, go and pick it up, one in one out, I sent Joe to do that bit of course, I was sooo happy to have chips! 
Joe's been making some excellent crispy roast potatoes. 

I treated myself to some Snag tights, they put out an SOS as they don't qualify for any of the small business funding from the government, and I was happy to oblige as their tights fit my short, round self perfectly :) 

I found time this week to burn some music off my computer and onto CDs (I feel like a dinosaur writing that!).  I saw a Canadian folk band called The Small Glories live a few of years ago and downloaded a couple of their albums, it's nice to have them off the laptop and onto a CD where I'll listen to them more.

It's hayfever season! 

It's getting very full in my greenhouse! 

I started this week feeling really anxious, waking up with a racing heart and having to force myself to face the day.  I don't know what's going on with work, and I think that's the root cause of it.  Or I suspect I'll be making lots of phone calls, which I just hate, so there's the worry of it being that. I did have some phone calls to make by the end of the week, and once I was doing them I felt a little better - is the saying 'fear of the unknown is greater than the fear of the thing itself' (or something like that!).

How are you feeling?  I hope you're doing ok? xxx


  1. Don't mention fish and chips, none are open near us - yet.
    Sorry to hear you're feeling anxious, it's the worst. All the unknown is very unsettling. I hate talking on the phone too, but, as you say, once you're in it, it's not so bad.
    My greenhouse is getting full to, I love going out there everyday to see what's happened over night.
    (Love your banner)
    Stay safe

    1. Oh no, hope your chippies reopen soon! I'm so glad of my garden and greenhouse this year, it's such a nice distractions to keep checking on my seedlings!

  2. A chippy has just reopened near us too so might try it at the weekend. We had takeaway pizza last weekend. Have watched Blinded by the Light recently too! Another Amazon prime film I watched recently is Troop Zero which was a nice watch. Hopefully you will hear something about your job soon. Maybe libraries will be one of the first places to start opening up again, with social distancing. xx

    1. Hey I watched Troop Zero and it was really good, thanks for the recommendation!
      Although I hope my library does open soon, mainly because I don't want to be running a call centre from my dining room table, I'm not sure how they can do it safely. They say there's no plans to open for a while anyway, I guess like most things we'll have to wait and see :)

  3. Sorry to hear about your anxiety! It's horrible isn't it! I've been avoiding doing a certain work task for MONTHS and I did it today and it took me so long because I was anxious about getting it wrong (part of the problem was I was supposed to be hosting an INSET for all the other music coordinators for our borough and showing them how to do this task (which I had no idea about myself!)
    I'm so glad your chippy was open! We've been lucky that one of ours has been open all the time so I've had chips about 4 times in lock down!
    Lentils and rice with onions sounds delicious!

    1. Wow that does sound like a stressful task, I hope you feel a bit better about it now you've done it! xxx


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