
Tuesday 30 April 2019

My homegrown harvest, April 2019.

The first harvests of spring are starting to come in, they always taste the best.

I've been growing this cauliflower plant for about 18 months and was just debating cutting it down as it hadn't produced anything when all of a sudden a little cauliflower appeared, and within 2 weeks that little cauli grew until it was bigger than my head!  Although it was impressively sized, I can't say it was particularly tasty, I wouldn't grow this variety again (it's 'cut and come again', so it's supposed to make several heads but I'm not sure I'll bother with it any more).

My homegrown harvest, April 2019.  From UK suburban permaculture (ish) gardener, #gardenharvest #homegrownharvest #suburbanpermaculture #urbangarden #homegrowncaulflower #homegrownshallots

I've also had some small shallots, I bought the shallots for 50p on sale really late in the season last year and they've overwintered, but not very well.  Some are really small and some are just about to go to flower, but it's nice to have fresh onions, whatever form they take.

My homegrown harvest, April 2019.  From UK suburban permaculture (ish) gardener, #gardenharvest #homegrownharvest #suburbanpermaculture #urbangarden #homegrowncaulflower #homegrownshallots

Apart from the usual herbs, and a few pickings from my perennial welsh onions that's all I've eaten from the garden this month.  I can't wait for next month to see what's coming! 

Have you eaten any spring crops from your garden yet? 

Friday 26 April 2019

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, April 2019.

I love this time of year when all the forget-me-nots go 'wooosh' and take over for a while.  They're one of my favourite flowers.

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, April 2019. From UK garden blogger #gardenblogger #ukpermaculture #suburbanpermaculture #wormcomposting #appleblossom #frontgardenraisedbed #frontgardenallotment

The weigela is flowering and the lilac too, the lilac smells so lovely. I always wanted a purple lilac to go with the white one at the bottom of the garden.  It turns out I already had one - I just had to let the branches from the old tree stump grow and bloom.  The people who had our house before us were monsters, who cuts down a lilac tree?!

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, April 2019. From UK garden blogger #gardenblogger #ukpermaculture #suburbanpermaculture #wormcomposting #appleblossom #frontgardenraisedbed #frontgardenallotment

My apple trees are blossoming too!  There's just one that didn't blossom last year and hasn't this year either, I don't know what's up with it, but if it doesn't buck it's ideas up I might have to dig it up.

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, April 2019. From UK garden blogger #gardenblogger #ukpermaculture #suburbanpermaculture #wormcomposting #appleblossom #frontgardenraisedbed #frontgardenallotment

This is my set up from last weekend, when I decided to empty my worm compost bin.  I thought it wasn't working ok because I'd never got any worm wee liquid out of it for the 3 years I've had it.  But turns out the tap was just on wonky and I there was a whole bucketful of liquid, plus a washing up bowl and half a bucket of worm castings.  I've reset the wormery with new coir bedding mixed with shredded paper and I'm going to start feeding them differently, chopping their food scraps into smaller pieces and burying it under the surface, it's supposed to reduce pests (like slugs, I found some mega slugs cleaning out the wormery!) and make decomposition quicker.  

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, April 2019. From UK garden blogger #gardenblogger #ukpermaculture #suburbanpermaculture #wormcomposting #appleblossom #frontgardenraisedbed #frontgardenallotment

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, April 2019. From UK garden blogger #gardenblogger #ukpermaculture #suburbanpermaculture #wormcomposting #appleblossom #frontgardenraisedbed #frontgardenallotment

All my fruit and nut trees have received a mulch of worm castings to give them a boost this growing season. 

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, April 2019. From UK garden blogger #gardenblogger #ukpermaculture #suburbanpermaculture #wormcomposting #appleblossom #frontgardenraisedbed #frontgardenallotment

In the front garden I planted my onions and garlic at the start of the month and they'd sprouted up by the end of the month!  I've planted some carrots and beets too that you can see in the second photo.

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, April 2019. From UK garden blogger #gardenblogger #ukpermaculture #suburbanpermaculture #wormcomposting #appleblossom #frontgardenraisedbed #frontgardenallotment

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, April 2019. From UK garden blogger #gardenblogger #ukpermaculture #suburbanpermaculture #wormcomposting #appleblossom #frontgardenraisedbed #frontgardenallotment

My onions are covered with enviromesh over part of a little greenhouse from wilkos, which was the easiest way to make a frame I could think of considering I have terrible woodwork skills.  I got onion fly on my onions last year and the only way to keep them off is to keep your onions covered so that's my plan this year. 

I've also planted my tomatoes and peppers out into my covered raised bed, I think it's warm enough now and they were taking over my kitchen worktops!  Some test tomatoes have gone out without cover into my upcycled big tomato basket in the back garden, I'll soon find out if it's warm enough out there!
Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, April 2019. From UK garden blogger #gardenblogger #ukpermaculture #suburbanpermaculture #wormcomposting #appleblossom #frontgardenraisedbed #frontgardenallotment

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, April 2019. From UK garden blogger #gardenblogger #ukpermaculture #suburbanpermaculture #wormcomposting #appleblossom #frontgardenraisedbed #frontgardenallotment

I'm experimenting with biochar this year, you soak the charcoal-y bits in liquid fertiliser for a while, then mix it with your compost.  It releases the fertiliser and helps retain moisture in the soil too, I'm wondering if it will help if we get another super hot summer.  I've put it in my new raised beds in the front garden to test it out.

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, April 2019. From UK garden blogger #gardenblogger #ukpermaculture #suburbanpermaculture #wormcomposting #appleblossom #frontgardenraisedbed #frontgardenallotment

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, April 2019. From UK garden blogger #gardenblogger #ukpermaculture #suburbanpermaculture #wormcomposting #appleblossom #frontgardenraisedbed #frontgardenallotment

Look at this messy area!  Joe's taken the paving slabs off the weird steps that go nowhere, to lay a base for the bin store in the front garden, so now we have a muddy mound!  We're hoping to get someone in to look at the back garden soon to help us sort out a nice patio.  We dragged out a water feature left here by the previous house owners, so I'm going to clean that up and find a spot for it.

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, April 2019. From UK garden blogger #gardenblogger #ukpermaculture #suburbanpermaculture #wormcomposting #appleblossom #frontgardenraisedbed #frontgardenallotment

The side garden is looking nice, it's one of my favourite parts of the garden.  Only one of my tulips has come up successfully, but at least it's a pretty one! 

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, April 2019. From UK garden blogger #gardenblogger #ukpermaculture #suburbanpermaculture #wormcomposting #appleblossom #frontgardenraisedbed #frontgardenallotment

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, April 2019. From UK garden blogger #gardenblogger #ukpermaculture #suburbanpermaculture #wormcomposting #appleblossom #frontgardenraisedbed #frontgardenallotment

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, April 2019. From UK garden blogger #gardenblogger #ukpermaculture #suburbanpermaculture #wormcomposting #appleblossom #frontgardenraisedbed #frontgardenallotment

How's your garden doing? 

Friday 12 April 2019

Charity shopping.

Joe says he's noticed I keep putting things in bags and asking him to carry them away to the charity shop for me, but that I also keep bringing other things in other bags into the house from those same charity shops. Yep, that's just how it works round here I'm afraid Joseph, here are some things I've been buying from the charity shops recently (and I bet Joe hasn't even seen some of these yet!).

A charity shopping blog post from #charityshopping #thrifting #opshopping #retrocrockery

I walked passed the charity shop on my way to buy the paper for work and spotted a motherlode of blue retro crockery.  It was a Saturday morning and I was pretty sure it'd all be gone when I went back...but it wasn't!  I chose this little bowl because it's cute and I can probably pop a plant in it. 
Retro bowl, £1, local Samaritans charity shop. 

A charity shopping blog post from #charityshopping #thrifting #opshopping #retrocrockery

A charity shopping blog post from #charityshopping #thrifting #opshopping #retrocrockery

This was the only other bit I bought from all the blue retro crockery, which was obviously someone's lifelong collection.  I guess it's a casserole dish, or a serving dish of some kind.
Retro Midwinter 'Caprice' dish, £3, local Samaritans charity shop.

A charity shopping blog post from #charityshopping #thrifting #opshopping #retrocrockery

I have a really lovely 70s enamel pendant that I really would like to wear, but it's a big cross and I don't feel comfortable wearing it, so I set out to find something new and scored this on eBay.
Enamel necklace, £1.20 plus P&P, eBay.

A charity shopping blog post from #charityshopping #thrifting #opshopping #retrocrockery

I picked up this plate to pop under a plant, I'm always on the look out for retro crockery I can repurpose in the garden. 
Bilston's plate, 50p, local Air Ambulance charity shop. 

Have you bought anything good from the charity shops lately? 

PS. Check out my other charity shopping posts for more like this!