Look at this little blossom!
It's a cherryplum and I hope the weather doesn't go too crazy and blow the blossom away before it gets pollinated! And look at these crab apples, still holding on, I love the colour of them.
It's been so long since I wrote about my garden. And that's because my camera's memory card corrupted so I've lost like a years worth of photos. But I have a new camera and a new memory card and I'm backing everything up like crazy!
I got some pennies for Christmas and I used them to buy this b-e-a-oootiful new trug. I have lots of bulbs to plant and I still haven't planted them all - woopsy! I also bought some mini fruit trees from Thompson and Morgan, the kind that stay really small for pots on the patio, the trees are nice but there were grubs in the pots (maybe vine weevils!) so I wouldn't buy these ones. But I'm looking forward to having 2 new apples, a pear, a plum and a cherry!
I made this cute little project one winters day. I hope to collect lots more cute little tins to make a little display somewhere.
My back garden raised beds still have some chard going in them, but not much else. There's messy bits everywhere that need dealing with, and theres Still that big pile o' dirt at the back of the garden that I'm running out of inspiration for! My potting table broke too, I need to find a new one.
My little garden robin is still keeping me company.
In the front garden raised beds I've been picking kale and chard all winter. The overwintered onions and garlic are going strong too.
Can you tell I haven't done any proper gardening since last year??!
Luckily the flowers don't mind a neglectful gardener and carry on blooming anyway!
How are your gardens? Have they survived the winter? And the storms? I hope so!