Showing posts with label greggs vegan sausage roll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label greggs vegan sausage roll. Show all posts

Friday, 11 January 2019

Review, Greggs vegan sausage roll.

Ahh the famous Greggs vegan sausage roll, much rumoured and anticipated, much discussed on social media, but what's it like?

Review, Greggs vegan sausage roll. from UK vegan blogger #vegan #vegansausageroll #greggsvegansausageroll #greggs #veganblogger

The pastry is really light and flaky, the sausage inside is a good, moist texture and is made of Quorn.  It tastes, well, sausage roll-like.  It's nice.  I've eaten more than one since they launched last week. My mum says they're too salty, my colleague says they're a bit greasy, my meat-eating husband says they taste pretty much like the original Greggs sausage roll.  

My most favourite vegan sausage roll are the Linda McCartney ones.  Comparing the two, the Greggs vegan sausage roll has lighter, crispier pastry, the Linda has thicker pastry, the Greggs has a more succulent filling and it's more salty and umami, the Linda vegan sausage roll is more herby and a bit more stodgy.   

Review, Greggs vegan sausage roll. from UK vegan blogger #vegan #vegansausageroll #greggsvegansausageroll #greggs #veganblogger

When I went to buy mine the store had sold out, but if you ask the staff they'll pop some more in the oven for you and they'll be ready in about 10 minutes.  

Have you tried one yet?